Nov 2023
Congratulations Hayley Russell!
Congratulations Hayley Russell on winning the Young Chemist Award at the 9th Winter Process Chemistry Conference – Young Chemist Award | 11-13 December 2023, Liverpool, UK. The judges had received a large number of applications and the standard was extremely high – so very well done! Hayley will have the opportunity to present her work in a flash talk presentation and a poster presentation at the conference.

Sep 2023
Welcome to the Palmer-lab!
Welcome Huw, Ilayda, Natasha to the Palmer-lab! Huw Williams is researching “Artificial Chemical Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Discovery and Development”. Ilayda Tolu, secured a MSCA Doctoral Training Network award as part of the "MetRaZymes" to investigate "Computational Design of Artificial Metalloenzymes". Natasha Sanjrani won a GSK/University of Strathclyde joint PhD program to conduct research on “Molecular Exploration using Artificial Intelligence”.

Aug 2023
UK QSAR meeting - Madeleine Taylor
Congratulations Maddie for wining the poster prize at the UK-QSAR Autumn meeting at the University of Liverpool on 14th September. Maddie has been invited to give a talk at the next meeting, at the Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge, on 11th April 2024. In addition, you can see her poster on the 20th PhysChem Forum, hosted By AstraZeneca in Gothenburg, on 3-4 October.

Jul 2023
EUROMAR 2023 - Ivan Yankov
Ivan Yankov presented his software solution for accelerating structure determination of nucleic acid-ligand complexes using solution NMR and restrained molecular dynamic simulations. Now, he is looking to collaborate in solving the nucleic acid assignment community challenge.

Jun 2023
Moving into Data Science at Dxcover
Rose McHardy started work as a Data Scientist at at Dxcover Ltd.

Jun 2023
Viva Defence - Dan Fowles
Congratulations to Dan Fowles on a successful defence at his PhD viva. Examiners were Prof Jonathan Hirst from the University of Nottingham and Marc Reid from the University of Strathclyde.

Jun 2023
Invited talk at BiotechX - Dr David Palmer
Dr David Palmer gave an invited talk at the BiotechX conference in Basel Switzerland. The title of the talk was: "Solubility Predictions: a problem wtih a solution?"

Jun 2023
SCoTCH Research Day
The palmer-lab presented the latest work undertaken in the group during the Scottish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Hub (SCoTCH) research day.